Educational Assessment of ADHD
ADHD can bring with it some incredible strengths such as high levels of creativity and an ability to have intense moments of mental focus. However it can also bring with it challenges that affect your everyday life and relationships.
ADHD is a persistent pattern of inattention or hyperactivity/impulsivity that interferes with or reduces the quality of your everyday life.
Often people with ADHD have to work excessively hard to keep their focus and seem as if they are on the go all of the time, their mind filtering multiple thoughts at the same time.
The problems that are often closely related to ADHD in adults can be far reaching including work, social anxiety, education, self-esteem and sleep disorders.
If you have any questions about ADHD or SPLD assessments, please contact me at Identify Potential.
Often as adults we suddenly find ourselves struggling with education, work or relationships. An assessment allows you to understand yourself better and access support to enable you to focus on your strengths, understand your challenges and ultimately, be successful and happy.
Please note that this assessment is not a 'medical diagnosis', it gives an indication of ADHD and is sufficient for university/workplace support and DSA applications - but you would not be able to access medication or NHS therapy of the basis of this assessment.
Adult ADHD Assessments are undertaken through the process of an in-depth diagnostic interview, which can either be face to face or online. This involves yourself and ideally either your partner and/or a family member. This is so that they are able to give firstly an outside viewpoint of your traits and secondly a history to your difficulties. I also use a range of cognitive assessments to pinpoint the underlying difficulties.
If you have any questions about the ADHD or dyslexia assessment process, please contact me at Identify Potential.
A report is then written, which is accessible, clear and user friendly. It details the symptoms that you are experiencing and the impact of those symptoms on your education, work and day to day life. You will receive your report 2 to 3 weeks after your assessment.
Please note that this is not a 'medical' diagnosis but is sufficient evidence to use as evidence in an application for Disabled Students' Allowances or in support of a medical referral process.
Educational Assessments of ADHD – £375
For more information about educational assessments of ADHD, please contact me at Identify Potential.